2_Habitacion-Cueva-La-Piedra_100 2_Salon-Cueva-El-Trillo_102 2_Salon-Cueva-La-Artesa_105 2_Habitacion-doble-Cueva-Los-Pesebres_103 2_Exterior-Cueva-El-Pajar-de-la-Esperanza_101 2_Salon_con_chimenea_Cueva_El_Parral_99 2_Salon-Cueva-El-Atroje_106 2_Cocina-Cueva-Los-Pesebres_104

They are situated in  Galera and Orce, set in the High Plateau (Altiplano) among the Natural Parks of Baza, Castril, María and La Sagra, where you can enjoy an extraordinay scenery of great beauty. There are plentiful remains of ancient civilizations (Agaric archaeological museum of Galera and Orce), a rich cooking with a special dish of this area, the Segureño Lamb, a local breed grown here known for its quality and taste.
We should also remark the outstanding sunsets over the dramatic surrounding countryside for those who Love astrology.

The cave houses are bioclimatic houses that keep a constant temperature of approximately 19o C troughout the year. Because of its special characteristics, cave houses become a diferent type of accomodation both as a novelty  and as an attraction and are a unique alternative to farm houses which will make the visitors be completely satisfied.

Inside the cave houses you can be isolated  from  both high temperatures and  humidity and also   from electromagnetic radiations.
If you want to “sleep like a baby”, the cave houses are the best option.


Cervantes, 3
Galera (Granada)
958 739 559
639 600 264
Legal Number:
CR/GR/00139 - VTAR/GR/01762 - VTAR/GR/01763

Registro Oficial Turismo:

Galera: CR/GR/00139
Orce Trillo: VTAR/GR/01763
Orce Piedra: VTAR/GR/01762

Of interest

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