[gallery | Popular festivals; slide; 644; 425]

Festivities of August : from the 2nd to the 6th of August Galera celebrates its traditional popular festivities in Honoro al Stmo. Christ of the Expiration. Your neighbors and visitors can enjoy both the tradition of their procession and mass, as well as the rest of sporting, cultural and nocturnal activities. It is a very special occasion to visit Galera and spend a few days of rest.
Everyone is invited ... Long live the holy Christ of Galera!

Festivities of San Antón : they start on the 15th and end on the 18th of January.
It is a traditional festival of the town that dates back to the seventeenth century. The Brotherhood of San Antón takes Saint Abad through the streets of the town, accompanied by the local music band and the one with drums and bugles. In addition, the well-known "retreats" are prepared in the evenings, in which wheelbarrows and firecrackers are thrown.
Already in the Hermitage of San Antón, people who wish to can dance the flag of the Brotherhood, an act that spills tradition.


Cervantes, 3
Galera (Granada)
958 739 559
639 600 264
Legal Number:
CR/GR/00139 - VTAR/GR/01762 - VTAR/GR/01763

Registro Oficial Turismo:

Galera: CR/GR/00139
Orce Trillo: VTAR/GR/01763
Orce Piedra: VTAR/GR/01762

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